Monday, 19 March 2012

London politicians support WSPA campaign

As you probably know, I've been supporting the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) charity.  At the start of this month they launched a campaign called Cruelty in a Concrete Jungle to call on whomever becomes London Mayor after the May elections to ensure the Metropolitan Police's Wildlife Crime Unit is properly funded and resourced.  The unit does great work to try and stamp out the illegal wildlife trade in London but has suffered from budget cuts and lack of manpower.

WSPA are calling on us to sign their e-petition and pile pressure onto the London Mayoral Candidates to pledge they will raise funding levels once more.  So far, over 7,000 people have supported the campaign and placed their (electronic) signature onto the petition.

And people are taking notice.

Labour's Ken Livingstone and Green candidate Jenny Jones have both promised to support the Metropolitan Police's Wildlife Crime Unit if they are elected as Mayor.  If you don't believe me, you can hear it for yourself...

Now, I'm sure that Boris Johnson, Brian Paddick and all the other London Mayoral candidates will also pledge their support (and I'll be sure to tell you when they do).  But, we can't rest on our laurels.  We need to make sure these politicians are held to account; if, they promise to do something, we need to make sure they follow through on that promise.

Show your support to the WSPA Cruelty in a Concrete Jungle campaign by signing the e-petition, support them on Facebook and tweet about it using the hashtag #WSPAWild4LDN.  And, if you want to see more politicans talking about, and lending their support to the campaign, head on over to WSPA's YouTube channel.

Let's help stamp out wildlife crime!

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