Sunday, 11 March 2012

We got teeth!

This picture was submitted as part of the Silent Sunday photo meme, created by Mocha Beanie Mummy and hosted over at Love All Blogs.  Click on the badge below to see more Silent Sunday pictures.
Silent Sunday mocha beanie mummy


  1. Hurrah for teeth!!

  2. Aww i see them!! Hope they came through quickly!

  3. I'm very glad they're starting to come through. These actually appeared a few weeks ago but this is the first time I've been able to catch him showing them off on camera

  4. They seemed to appear from nowhere, very closely together. I think he's got more coming through now so fingers crossed they don't cause him too much pain

  5. Teething big time, hope they all come through soon x

  6. Maria @ Feisty Tapas11 March 2012 at 21:22

    That's so cute. I hope he's sleeping well at night, T teethed solidly for months and at times she was in tremendous pain, she would always get at least two teeth coming out at a time

  7. Oh bless him! We are gappy here - for the second time round!

  8. Ooh teeth -  hurray for him :)

  9. Aw bless him! What a great pic :)

  10. Aww bless - love their first teeth - hope they're not causing too much grief :)

  11. I always feel sorry for babies going through the teething stage. It can't be nice for them at all, especially as they can't tell us exactly how much it's hurting

  12. Thanks. It was lovely to catch him with such a big grin on his face

  13. So you must have regular visits from the Tooth Fairy then. I'm hoping that stage doesn't come around too quickly


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